hello friday.
when I was in the ATL airport, it lasted a few hours… luckily my plane left ground literally minutes before things went dark.
when I touched down in ORL the TV's were covered with 'breaking news' saying the place i had just left is now completely blacked out…
crazy story right? true story bro.
but uh… thats an old post man.
can i be real as fuck?
its just another friday…
POTUS ain't goin' anywhere, we got too much work to do.
the slide was fun for a while, but its gettin' old.
see yall @ sunrise.
i like your style…
idk what this image is you tryin' to show me, but yeh i haven't posted anything on reddit in like 9 months… except for this, i went full fangirl mode over talkin' to furie, but thats another conversation…
Happy Birthday Patriot!