Anonymous ID: 9bc2c3 Aug. 7, 2020, 9:32 a.m. No.10212412   🗄️.is 🔗kun


shills are lame.

try harder . ur typeface is too small

also are you colorblind,



"serial adulterer"



Guess what Obama and Killary & Clinton et al did?

if they did, and it wasn't staged?


Anonymous ID: 9bc2c3 Aug. 7, 2020, 10:03 a.m. No.10212653   🗄️.is 🔗kun



What I noticed over the years studying these subjects?

The people who think they will get rich or famous on it;

for breaking the big story?, end up dead.

That's why we are anon?

I stay away from that part of it,

Very far away.

I have my own projects but will probably shy from being an "expert" on this - thoughI've certainly put in the hours.


I am going to walk away from the dust that people have thrown on me and on all of us.


No one can dictate to me what my feelings will be; nor can I be commanded to love.

Nor do I know yet how it will be nor how I will react.

That will be my own free choice when it happens

Seems like "Q" mentioned our job was to be kind, when the natural instinct might be to be pissed off and arrogant?


I'm walking away from all the assholes.

I've earned it.

I will be careful not to insult anyone.

Why think of that now, it may never come?

Why not just think about the job at hand?

Not everyone is an "autist"

And no magic wand is going to wave that such as ourselves will all of a sudden be understandable by the masses.

Isn't that a fantasy?

Don't you think the popularlizers water it down, always?

Or is it just that the shills always take the top spot?

Isn't it funny how some has been revealed?

Lady Fotune is like a wheel, the ancients say.

And those at the bottom rise,

Those at the top fall; As she turns.

Ever has it been so?

Fickle Fortune.

No one knows when their time will come;

Or what fortune will bring tomorrow

We've all been lucky to be part of this project but it obviously hasn't been easy.

And please stay away from lecturing people how they "should be?"

Isn't that fucking annoying?

As if your lectures are needed here?

Maybe lecture yourself?

Maybe you're the one who needs all the reminders?

Yes, it's gonna be emotional

Some of us with a lot of advise, like yourself, perhaps can become therapists?

I did notice one phenomenon related to sharing with people about this material.

The emotion is contagious. If you never felt it because you were absorbed in the research; when you tell someone, and it becomes real to them, and the react emotionally - you will feel it, from them.

Like a contagion.

It's quite startling.

It's good to have feelings though,,probably healthy. We are told as alleged "autist" that our nature is likely such that we can learn and study about such things exactly because our emotions are in abeyance.

It's a feature rather than a bug?

And I think the Q team has said Emotions will get in the way of proper thinking?

When the bad guys and their ignorant followers go down, if it ever happens, I will be very happy. That will be my emotion.

The lamentation of the past will lead to the comfort of the present. If that ever happens