No he doesn't. There is no such thing as "looks like his dad". In the real world you can only "look like they are related". Did you know that Frank Marshall Davis had a daughter who was a teenager when Obama was born? Do we know whether this girl ever travelled to Indonesia with Stanley Ann Dunham? Did she spend time with Pak Subuh?
All the significant players in the modern USA seem to be given access to tweens and teens for sex. It is arranged by the CIA. So why is it such a stretch to think that it was also done in the late 40s?
This would explain why Hussein appears to be related to Pak Subuh but also has black features (hair) and appears to be related to Frank Marshall Davis. But there is even another explanation. Who are Frank Marshall Davis parents? Could one of them be a white ancestor of Stanley Ann Dunham?
There was a lot of weird stuff going on in Chicago. Like the great grandma of Sergey Brin, Rachil Israilevna Katsan who was arrested in Germany in 1914 and interned in the USA where she became a Communist by joining the American Communist party and ended up teaching microbiology at the University of Chicago until 1921 when she returned to the Soviet Union. Did she have any unrecorded kids in Chicago as part of an Illuminati breeding plan? Who knows.
But people should be digging the Chicago crew back to at least 1905 when the first private foundations were created to launder money and hold slush funds for the Illuminati corruption of the USA and its merger with a soon to be Communist Russia.