>I hope I can sleep tonite.
Carbon monoxide might work. IICR, it leaves no traces and can even make it seem like a heart attack. I'll have to look that up.
Along with the filthy politicians that you have more than your fair share of, you need to drive out all those invaders from the south. They don't buy into American culture and values. They want free shit. They want what you've earned. Your politicians give it to them for their votes and they protect them, because they're the goose that lays their "golden eggs." That cycle needs to be broken, then you'll have your state back.
He's sitting next to Jesus, right beside the seat reserved for Trump.
Yes. Eating Trump-brand steaks.
Invaders gonna rape, plunder and steal.
Jesus thanks you for that because he's not registered in CA.
Have you thought about moving? Because I wouldn't live in the God-forsaken state for nothing. (And I used to live there in the past.)