Anonymous ID: 6d78df Aug. 7, 2020, 1:17 p.m. No.10214436   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>10214005 lb

>about sacrificing, blood, and idolatry.

All that stems from man made religion, it's all still of the flesh.

Jesus Christ came so that we may have life and have it more abundantly! God is interested in your heart, each individual. Once you believe and confess (Romans 10:9&10) you are saved - which means you receive the Holy Spirit gift. Now you are made completely complete in Him. Like it states in Romans, Jesus Christ is the second Adam. The first Adam by one sin condemned the whole earth, all of man because the sin nature is carried through the blood and it's the man's blood that the child receives. Therefore (I'm paraphrasing), by the sin of one many died. Jesus Christ righted that wrong. He freely and willing, gave His life, His one life to save all of humanity! Therefore by the sacrifice of the perfect blood of one all were saved!

It's that Spirit that we were all missing that we gain back through/via Jesus Christ's accomplishment. That Spirit form that allows us the one on one communication with our Creator, with our Abba Father. We get all the power and authority we need to win EVERY battle - remember, "have life and have it more than abundantly!" This is our Armor, put it on, practice using is like you would practice for a marathon. Pray without ceasing! Expect signs miracles and wonders to take place in your life immediately!! This is what the enemy, with all these systems of the world, has been trying to keep from you! (I'm talking to the not born again one, yet anyway).

Theos Agape - God Love

Anonymous ID: 6d78df Aug. 7, 2020, 1:25 p.m. No.10214522   🗄️.is 🔗kun


That was me! Thank you so much!

I can never get anything to play for me from the FOX show clips, not sure why. I love both those ladies and really wanted to see what she said about Flynn. Does it sound like the end of the case is near? It does to me!