the 'we' is nothing in the sense of your doudoupoloupollioniallarial
disfudgeicle, seriously damaged and dripping, like a mind dropped out of the end of the page of lies that you read from to make it all that way the day, in the evening, when the wind dies, you think, I'll post this crap for a while, it's going to make a great big different meaningful constant gone off to the other side of the story, with out ever getting anywhere else in the room.
he tries to make it out of the Men's Lounge but finds (it's the leisure suit, it has taken him over) "I am stuck with in this
video game being followed around by
bot minded ivy-laugh-track fatsos making lists of words when they never have anything real to say themselve but to assume they know a place by just collecting words and assuming that if the words show up there, thy must be hate speakers. speaking things that 'we dont want them to'
but the real story: the class less people who makes those kinds of lists don't care what the words are you use. They merely want to not have you say anything.
like the antifa who are trying to blind people wiht industrial lasers.
I think that's a crime that ought to have an immedate punishment.
is that hate speech?
would 'cornel loser' list maker care to cmment?