>15 serious replies in 3, 2, 1…
Set a good example and end your pathetic life.
He lives in Laredo, TX. Go pay him a visit and watch out for the cartels.
Go to Casa Blanca State Park, wave a machete around at the cartel members. He will protect you from harm.
It's not happening before 11.3. 11.3 is the first marker and literally nothing is "happening" before that. Anyone saying otherwise is full of shit.
You wouldn't be the first. That place gets weird at night, ngl.
Judging from the retirees I know, the internet basically becomes their surrogate life while everyone around them forgets they exist. Many here give me that vibe.
>case in point, I have to use "retiree" instead of the word I actually want to use or else they'll throw a hissy fit.
Kappy said it, although Kappy often seemed like an absolute bullshitter a lot of the time.
>we monitor you 24/7 365 for reasons we've only somewhat explained
>hey man this isn't about you bro
Haha you fucking cunts.