Keep Recycling!
Look at the UIDs, a few new eyes around today have not seen all your lame shit. If you hurry you can post them all in a single bread so they can see your entire folder!
Keep Recycling!
Look at the UIDs, a few new eyes around today have not seen all your lame shit. If you hurry you can post them all in a single bread so they can see your entire folder!
You give old shit, you get old shit.
Keep going, the new eyes need to be able to see how easily they can ignore you.
Keep recycling! There ya go! Come on now, we must show the new eyes how limited you are and how utterly ineffective.
EASY FIX: Election cancelled, Donald Trump "reclaims his time" from the impeachment farce and remains as President while a Convention of the States is held to determine Term Limits and the composition of a new federal government. Selection of new Election Dates can be determined at the Convention.
Imagine the savings when politicians no longer receive government paychecks for life. Imagine a unicameral Congress, three Senators per State, one per Territory, and zero House of Representatives (all those salaries go bye bye)
District of Columbia to become Federal Museum Zone and overseen by Military Command, policed by Military Police.
Summer Capitol to be Phoenix, Arizona. Winter Capitol to be Sioux Falls, South Dakota. (Only the hearty and fit can be in government, Nadlers would perish)
Fake skinhead posers still trying, revealing themselves to newfags.
Watch as the out of ammo shills struggle to get out of their flat spin.
The Bernie Bros must be deleriously happy hearing there will be such government-run health care!
Donald Trump does what Bernie could not, reduces the price of prescriptions!