>muh job numbers
Really what you want to hear when you're unemployed and get rejected over and over and over again, thanks buddy.
>muh job numbers
Really what you want to hear when you're unemployed and get rejected over and over and over again, thanks buddy.
Feels like we're just watching re-runs at this point. New season doesn't start till November.
How people like you don't just filter obvious shills at the beginning I'll never know. Why do you waste your time?
He is a lifelong professional bullshitter, after all.
It's a very effective tactic, I use it against the people surveilling me and their admitted confusion is downright heartwarming. It amazes me how many people still view POTUS as nothing more than a buffoon when he's clearly LARPing as a retard to throw genuinely stupid people off.
>haha he's on camera physically touching his daughter in a non-sexual manner what a pedo amirite guize
Wtf even is this piss-poor attempt at shilling, nigger don't (You) me with this amateur ass bullshit.
Why did everyone always say that Godfather III was a bad movie? It was a great movie.
Just watched it for the first time a couple weeks ago. It does a little too much nostalgia-grasping for the first two, but it came out like over 15 years later so that's to be expected. Other than that, awesome movie and Hitler was a meth-head Rothschild puppet.
>"it's easier with less famous people"
It certainly is, isn't it?
Makes sense.