Here's a fucked up thought.
I was a fuck up for 90% of my life. Tons of potential but shitty childhood and always wanted to be "The tough/bad guy/black sheep" type of person. POTUS makes me wish I could have been an upstanding citizen my entire life so I could have joined the USSS and protect this man with my life.
Regrets, ya know.
>hey, i've seen the worst of us recover anon, don't quit 5 minutes before the miracle.
I'm going no where
>you lost me at "was"
Once a fuck up always a fuck up I guess.
I do my best.
>backwords society made ya feel that way. bet most of us anons were "strong willed children" and be willing to lay our life for POTUS without a second thought.
oppositional defiance disorder
>similar here, but no regretsโฆ..I learned from everything and everyone and would not have the skills I have now which few others can claim to have because of it.
o7, been on my own since 15.
>No? YeahโฆI really do love prediction fails. The disappointment is delicious.
Show me where anyone predicted this?
I'm a high school drop out that makes well over 6 figures using my brain. The only thing that holds you back is you.
>just don't put up with bullshit well. God is Good the shit the world tries to shove down your throat is all bad.
>And you probably had a lot of help to get there, whether or not you'll admit it. If you didn't, you'd be more aware of how rigged the system truly is.
No, I had 0 help, in fact 7 years ago I was homeless on 7th street living in a car in a parking garage. I just don't make excuses.
I can't disagree with the personality type, but I don't believe anyone is preordained for anything unless you're born rich. We have talents that we make what we will of. Either way all I wish for you is to realize you are the most unique and important resource in the universe, and you have limitless potential. Nothing I have said was meant to be insulting.
>Haha no.
You're the only thing in the entire universe that is one of a kind. Name some thing else as rare.