>>10218113 (lb)
Sauce for that?
>>10218113 (lb)
Sauce for that?
Drilling a big hole in the middle of a warehouse on a pier of filled in earth would have gotten somebody's attention. Any "goodies" in that warehouse worth using a nuke on would have somebody watching the place 24/7
No nuke. Too little to be gained by using one.
It matters so much a defeatist shill like yourself comes around at least once a day.
The real JIDF would never hang around here. Libtard posers like yourslf are too lame to waste effort. Recycled a hundred timed minimum lameness about guarantees they won't show up. Simply no challenge here. Must suck to have so much less talent and ability than stormfront skinheads.
If you think I'm JIDF then I am flattered.
A row of empty commercial buildings beg for a sign at each end saying:
"brought to you by (xxxxxx) City Council
Why expend a nuke when a thermite grenade on a box of AK rounds sitting next to a bunch of Iranian rockets will do the job?
More recycling. Shills out of ammo.
You need a smoke break oh powerless minion in skinny jeans
One fluid made in traditional manner with the capability to get ugly chicks laid for generations. Side effects may include, but are not limited to: Public nudity, original dance moves, encounters with law enforcement
Can I doubtfag on idiots who most likely never saw even an M-80 detonation?
An explosion in Beirut is like a shooting in Chicago