>posts the same image every thread telling people how to think
When did I say that? You post the exact same thing every thread, telling people what to think. The very act is a perception shaper, you daft cunt
The JIDF shills are back telling people it wasn't a nuke and Israel is innocent? Call them fucking losers that wear diapers and watch them recoil
I think the word "fabrication" works better than miscalculation
Same fucking images. Over and over. Fuck you are one lazy fucking jew
You know you're talking to a completely different anon right? They told me jew schizophrenia was a myth but here you are, going full schizo
No. Fabrication as in setting up an entire generation of jews to live in the false reality that they were imprisoned and subsequently gassed. Do you know what that does to a person's worldview? I guess you would know KEK
Why did you say joo but then said jews literally one line later
Liberalism = Socialism = Communism = Bolshevism = Talmudic Judaism
Where did I say anything that correlates to your response? Are you seriously ignorant of Mossad crimes based on Talmudic teachings?
You are not indifferent, you are ignorant. Willingly ignorant. That makes you stupid. Doesn't matter if you're jewish. You're just dumb
You're fucking stupid too then
This is going to be ironic coming from the cunt posting almost 20 times, but try shutting the fuck up and learning about why the Mossad is so fucking hated. And sadly, subsequent jews. Mossad causes more antisemtism than anyone could ever hope to achieve
Why are you so triggered by it being called a nuke? It was
I can spell it however the fuck I want you ignorant fucking mong
> I just don't really care at this stage.
So why even post Mr. Above It All? It doesn't bother you that jews much richer than you are causes crimes that blowback on your friends and family? And their future offspring? You are the types that NEED to step up and say something. It is your indifference to being used that will land you people in a lot of fucking trouble
>No one is going to nuke a warehouse already filled with explosives in Lebanon
>It's been three fucking days of nonstop pilpul and it's obvious as fuck.
It really is, isn't it?
You might as well be (you are)
Everyone that criticizes Israel and Judaism is the same anon to you. GET HELP SCHIZO FUCK
>No one cares what I have to say.
I care. You must too otherwise you wouldn't be here. There's always more to learn, new ways to explain what is already known. New examples to use (like Beirut) to show others who is truly to blame. Do you think I honestly want innocent jews held to the same standard that Bibi should be held to? Fuck no. But the religion of Judaism itself allows these things to happen. Jews cannot free themselves because of this one giant weight known as the Religion of Blood Worship
Thank you for finally admitting what everyone already knew. They always want Greater Israel, it has never stopped being their goal.
You proved it? You conflated my point to a boogeyman. You are fucking nuts, you have nothing but the same fucking images over and over. You are a fucking loser dude. Better start job hunting I hear the IDF was making cuts
Why build a series of towers just to knock them down later? Besides the payout of course
>They can't have normies reading shit in hereโฆ it blows their narrative.
Like the narrative that Israel didn't bomb Beirut?
Maybe your post is a threat
>I have seen NO evidence to indicate it was Israel
That's because your job is to hide that evidence. They were literally the first to come out and say they didn't do it. Sounds innocent to me! I mean they have no motive or anything