Q wont tell Trump about the aliens… Says it will cause a war… Who do you really work for Q, they will rip you limb from limb when they find out what you have done, if we will destroy ourselves with it why wait… I know why you call yourself Q, you agent of disinfo…
Q says he doesn't want war, but we will go extinct within our lifetimes at this rate, they are coming Q, it's not enough funding, they need triple. Forget Russia, forget Iran, get more funding or we all die…
No you don't even understand, I'm not bashing Trump at all you just don't understand, we literally are all going to die, Q is bread and circus for those of you who can see past, bread and circus so you don't see what is actually happening. Q works for the dark side of black operations, he is not to be trusted, he is from the future but is not here to help us.
It doesn't matter, we outsourced all the shit we don't need and don't want to China. After WW2 the self sustaining military industrial complex didn't just disappear, it was the only one of its kind with its only mission being domination, and dominate it did. Why play silly political games with funny money when you hold a gun to everyone else's head? We had fully functional autonmous drones by '55, only 10 years after the first tube computer was invented. We still hold a gun to everyone else's head…
I can assure you my information is sound. I did a test, I gave information to Q to pass along, his excuse was it would cause war… Like I said, he works for the dark side of black operations… There is a divide in these highest echelons due to recently uncovered ancient gnosis, Q works for those who wish to see humanity enslaved and destroyed, those who would sell out their own race for a chance at playing god.
I will tell you more, but it's not fiction. We were seeded on earth, our entire genetic makeup is to terraform for higher beings, but they don't just need the surface changed, we are the cheapest form of slave labor to build fully functioning megacivs, and the best part is we wipe ourselves out in the process. Minimal cleanup for maximum reward. We have a chance to overcome this, but overcoming our physical nature is hard, people are lazy, and no one wants to make the hard decisions, we need them made for us really but nobody wants that either. Q knows these things, Q is from a future where we are within sight of breaking free, creating our own destiny, Q doesn't want that, but he thinks he is on the right side, really he is just working for them to enslave us.
No he knows, he is from the future. Do you know what the Q stands for?
Except it's not a subjective thought, it is objective reality. If your neighbors knew their passions, beliefs, and work are all just programmed for maximum efficiency for another species and if they wish to follow every single physical belief they have it will just be in vain for you really think they would act the same way? Would you? Does it make sense why they can't have you know this?
I would if I could. To let you see the truth would require genome sequencing technology to be released that would allow every other nation on earth to develop genetic targeted weapons. This site seems to hate the Jew's yes? What do you think would happen if they could illicitly produce a super virus that effects only genetic makeup that are not their own?
Also you have heard of the Rwandan genocide yes? What better place to test genetic weapons then a country with 2 distinctly different genetic backgrounds that is in a backwater area with a war nobody cared about until it is over?
No it doesn't, not officially at least, did you even read your own link?
Very funny, ask for evidence I give you everything I can, start calling me a clown? You are all being played, there are no sides, no Normies, democrat republican doesn't matter, you probably didn't know that there are brain "pacemakers" installed in every individual worth a damn to the military. Slight voltages can trigger a mini seizure, making you crash cars or higher voltages can produce cardiac arrest and brain death. Change is coming from within the black operations due to this spiritual awakening brought from our friends, it is up to us to evolve and find god, but they have taken this idea and corrupted it and fed it to you. Q is not who you think.
No, I only feel compassion for all of you but I am trying to help. Do you know the way some people think of you, the Normies you speak of that call you crazy, but you think you know crazy, the guy talking about time travel and aliens and military dominance is crazy, but that guy over there posting cryptic messages about how trumps twitter misspellings are messages to his fanbase isn't crazy right? It's all perspective, I truly feel compassion for you, if you all could see mine you would understand better.
You wanted more proof, are you not pleased? This site destroys everyone, I will not release more evidence as I will refrain from destroying myself as well.
It is the best proof I can safely give that we were seeded on this earth by aliens, considering the hostility that received and my proof of it I do expect my other words to be taken seriously. I am a human not an alien and proud of my roots and what I can accomplish, Q is as well but he does not work for the good of society.
Probably because fiction is trained towards archetypal rhythms of our society that feel good to the psyche, real life is less appealing then fiction mostly.
That's fine, I have screen shotted all of these. Disclosure by eoty I'll make sure of it, shall we wager blow jobs with your maga hats on?
No, just people of interest. Elected officials are not of interest by the way. With a liscence to kill and money that could be printed off at will wouldn't you take the easy road? Have none of you actually looked at what happened in MKULTRA?
You are saving nobody money, the net is a solved game, are we seriously talking about the government not having the power to find whatever and whoever they want in the same thread that is discussing the darpa connections to social media?
I can't directly link, enter the rabbit hole, share what you have found then anon, the picture is not mine yes share who's it is with the other anons…
the aliens seeded us, that doesn't mean god does not exist though anon.god requires evolution.
I am very glad anon trust me, but the paradigm has shifted and we are left in the dark for our unworthiness.
I shopped it for my safety, you found the original though I see, share the article and site it came from as I cannot
Like I said, it's all perspective. This is why I don't share much of my work, I am not schizophrenic, if I can run a business, have friends and fulfilling love life, and the only "symptom" is delusional thoughts am I really schizophrenic? The DSM says no, and I am not, you all just don't understand. I truly wish I could share all of what I know, do you really think I'm allowed to disclose backed government research papers on a fourm though? The fact that you all think I'm crazy is why I can even say these things freely.