This is just a side dig though. Have not given much effort on it. But, it bears looking into. A fairly gud bearing could help. Did anons have an aerial view a while back. Don't drop what you are doing though. Just barely started looking at this.
Been working on WW object.
NOT Mars, Mercury, Neptune, Uranus or Saturn.
MAYBE Jupiter or Venus. But, a good bearing may help eliminate Jupiter. I found that Jupiter, in November, rising from North of East, never passes beyond 89 degrees East by the 10pm closing time. In December, it ranges from reaching 90degrees East by 10pm to reaching 121 degrees ESE by 10pm closing time. It is in January that it starts to reach from 122.6 degrees ESE on 1/1, finally reaching 128.4 degrees SE on 1/5 at 10pm.
MARS rises after 1am-ish and sets in the early pm the whole time.
SATURN rises around 5-6am and sets in pm(afternoon).
MERCURY rises in the morning from 6-8:42am and sets in mid afternoon the whole time.
URANUS/SATURN are visible by binoculars or telescope only.
Going to take a good look at VENUS for bearing and times(before 10pm WW closing).
Just looked at VENUS. Imho, as not an astronomer, but the Altitudes on Venus are not gud, being between 8.5 and 9.8 degrees when it is not drowned out by the sun which it chases closely. Bear in mind that in estimating altitude, think of the horizon as zero degrees, and directly overhead is 90 degrees. The altitude is a portion of that arc. 9 degrees is only a tenth of that arc. Add that it is only in apparition between 5pm and 6:45pm when it sets after the Sun does.
Object may be JUPITER. Now to go back and take more precise measurements. Will have to check but I think that planets can usually outdo stars for visibility and being relatively large in the night sky compared to distant stars. Now will have to try to reconcile map with aerial photo and pics. Should be fun.
Well this had been something I had been wanting to look into for a while. Am not an astronomer but direction from Serpentine Bar & Grill to Reformer's Tree is North. It is likely the object is Polaris, the North Star. Have eliminated Jupiter due to direction of rise and travel of apparition being from NE to SE (see extent and direction of Jupiter's traverse. And btw, Venus would be to the South and so is also eliminated. So, not a bad thing. Have eliminated all the other planets as wrong time of day or just not being visible. Done. Thanks for the great help, Anon.
Correction: On map diagram posted. On the traverse of Jupiter. 52 degrees is not NORTHWEST. It should be 52 degrees NORTHEAST. Posting corrected diagram.
Yes, thanks Anon. Picture taken facing roughly North. Looks like the star is Polaris. makes sense. Few other stars could overcome the bright carnival lights and show up on a photo.
I don't think this anon could add anything. If there might have been 2 or 3 moving parts, perhaps one could find a correlation, but the night sky revolves around Polaris each and every night. But we still know more today than we knew yesterday. Godspeed, Anons.