We've been here the whole time
Possible anon. What I'm putting together so far is the protesting Lebanese are figuring out it really was either Hezbollah or some other govt cabal fuckery going on in that warehouse. The ammonium nitrate / fireworks / whatever cover story is plausible because partly true, but the whole area is a known Hezbollah checkpoint zone.
I haven't even looked into the alleged tunnel, but it all fits, doesn't it. Govt offices being set on fire right now, a retired General leading the resistance….its starting to smell a little bit like how Kim Jong had his strings cut, and all of a sudden NK was not CIA-controlled.
One has to wonder if we are seeing the same thing in Beirut. Will they finally be free of Iran and the [DS}?
Protestors on the ground saying otherwise, that they are sick of the HB shit and their collusion with the govt