Anyaonon else seen this shit on Twatter? Now they want my phone number. I suppose as another means of tracking/blocking me. Who knows.
Apologies for namefagging, but I don't give a shit.
Anyaonon else seen this shit on Twatter? Now they want my phone number. I suppose as another means of tracking/blocking me. Who knows.
Apologies for namefagging, but I don't give a shit.
Thanks, anon. Just makes me wonder what comes next if I give em my number. Didn't post any racist shit or anything subversive. Just support for POTUS and retweeting other anons decent posts.
So this is the dilemma. Just leave twat and thus leave the battle, or give what they want and battle on. Who wins that battle?
I love you too, anon. Even while not giving a shit! kek!
Yep. I don't use a VPN to access twat, so I know it's just their lame ass censorship. Also losing followers hell west and crooked. Not that I'm a follower fag, but it is just more evidence of their fuckery.
Masshole here too, anon.
Our Republican governor acts more woke than some dem governor neighbors.
Anyway, twatter wanted my number. I entered 1-800-eat-shit. Of course, it was an unsupported number, but it felt good just to submit it. Asswipes!
>Drop Twatter.
>POTUS will be dropping it soon.
I'm inclined to do just that, anon. At the same time, it seems like I'd be leaving the front lines. If we all leave, they have a libtard echo chamber where all that is seen is "Orange man bad!"