The man tells it like it is.
>If certain intel is released it would cause mass suffering worldwide.
>This is an important sentence to understand.
It's also the kind of intel I REALLY want released! Perhaps not in public if it's really something the public can't handle, but I'd very much want to see it myself.
>the most important situation developing right now is syria
Maybe it isn't anywhere near as important as we think?
We know that POTUS is too smart to telegraph his moves to the enemy beforehand, so we can all breathe easy - there will be no attack on Syria. Because POTUS telegraphed it loud and clear!
I won't claim to fully understand why he plays along with the false flag lies for the time being, but one positive aspect of POTUS taunting Russia this way, is that it makes the "Russia collusion" look utterly ridiculous.
That's just to be expected really.
Optimism shared. I just know in the depth of my soul nothing can stop the habbening.
Sssh, don't dox The Plan.