Thanks for filing a copy of your meme in the meme bread.
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Covfefe for all.
>>1023258 - I use an RSS feed reader to follow numerous Twitter accounts. (No Twitter account myself.) Up until yesterday afternoon, a number of them had red checkmarks in my feed reader, meaning the app could not retrieve anything from those accounts. They were blocked or banned or not functioning.
Yesterday evening I noticed all the red checkmarks were gone. Meaning numerous patriot accounts are now unblocked. This seems to correspond with Twatters' stories of suddenly receiving tons of ads, porn, etc. on their twatter. Things that were blocked or censored are no longer blocked.
This tends to support anons' theory that Q's 'injection' was a code injection or a SQL injection affecting the algorithms at in such a way that censorship is removed.
Waiting for more evidence from twatters today, number of impressions, trending hashtags, unfrozen account reports, etc.
Did US Gov seize Twitter domain under EO, but allow it to continue operating, with modified censorship rules? One possible hypothesis that fits the data?
There are a ton of memes on tax cuts that were filed yesterday. Scroll to yesterday's date.
Also use your browser's search function (CTRL-F for firefox) and search for 'tax'. I find 45 tax-related memes in Memes17.
Mostly dated April 12th.
Q didn't say Q hacked twitter.
Q said 'injection'
He didn't say what kind of injection or the target of the injection or who did it.
Lurk moar.