Oh hey, what a coincidence!
The guy that stated Comey would be viewed differently in historic hindsight (Gowdy)โฆ
Is stepping down!
I wonder why that is? /s
Fuck you, I'm not reading it because you're a fucking spam tool.
I've actually heard rumors from peeps that have to work with illegals in my areaโฆ That a lot of them are choosing to move back to their home countries alreadyโฆ Been going on since Nov 2016โฆ
I cannot sauce without self doxxing, so it will remain a rumor.
Make no mistake. I do not think you are a bot. I think you're a tool that is spamming.
But your own transference and ad-hominems speak for themselves.
Do you understand that if they came right out and said shit, they would be removed from office?
>I haven't, so he's not being dragged through the mud, as you say.
No, but false allegations and personal threats can play a role in a man's life decisions.
One can hope. The level of treachery uncovered over the past 4 have given this anon the 1000 yard stare.
They aren't even smart enough to get that anons pick up on spam shilling right away..
So I guess the clown meeting's over.. I wonder what "new" (coughbullshitcough) strategy they''ve cooked up this time?
So you're going to attack me because I asked a question?
That speaks volumes about you and your motives.