ty anons
i know someday you'll have a beautiful life
i know you'll be the sun
in somebody else's sky but why
why can't it be
this is the definition of a faggot attempting to pass as a straight man
watch and learn with the canadian tranny faggot known as AFLB
imagine thinking the internet could cure something like cancer
some of you are so fucking pathetic it makes me very sad
watching the clock
it's four o'clock
she lies and says she's in love with him
can't find a better man
omfg a youtube video from an obese boomer!
holy shit i need to revoke the 20 mother fucking years of medical training!
holy fuck bros, he posted a youtube video of a fat fucking boomer talking about shit she has no fucking clue about
oh shit my life is a lie, holy fuck
oh mein gott
its fucking amazing watching some of you literally dance to the fucking tune of jealousy
just be happy with what you are man
stahp trying to front about shit you are not at all educated in
no one gives a shit until you make it a thing
and then it becomes a thing and its hilarious
stahp making it a thing
you win bro
you fucking win
i can't possibly stand against this internet genius right here
please, educate the masses for me because obviously i can't stand against this internet person who has words
there was a time man
there was a fucking time
got into this game too late
now all these goddamn faggots have as much agency as people who have dedicated fucking decades
fucking pathetic
you sound desperate
does your internet credentials not stack up against actual smart people?
oh fuck bro, post some moar screen caps, that'll get that street cred bro
i honestly hope you people die off, to be perfectly honest
i want you people to die
screen cap this and post it on your instagram blog you useless fucking boomer
holy fuck your projection could write a book about faggots on the internet
this is so much fun
enjoy your touch with relevance
ive had fun
im not sure about you
but ima head back to my actual life tomorrow and im guessing you'll still be here
have fun with that, im sure your time in now, or something
>are you mental
are you a boomer
this is the question that drives us
im just playin