How's the Transitioning going these days, cupcake?
Excellent. Glad to hear that you are "transitioning" along.
Still manning the glory holy at the local truck stop to pay for the hormone treatments?
Sounds great. Sadly, due to the (((Covid))) scare, we may have to put it off until the Fall.
Subverting the Goy is always good.>>10229869
Normal people instinctually hate you jews, and for good reason.
Jews are destroyers of nations. Even their control over media can't cover that up.
250AD Carthage.
Then count 350 countries and regions where you FUCKING JEWS were expelled.
It ain't that hard to learn about, Schlomo.
That's the small estimate, jew.
The proof is in the history books, you slimy, lying, jew.
PS, the GOYIM KNOW, and we want you JEWS DEAD.
Orwell knew all too well.
Too bad the STUPID goy didn't listen to him and instead, SUCKED THE COCK OF THEIR JEW MASTERS.
It's always the goyim's fault.
Jews hate the truth, which is why they are so anit-First Amendment.
Wooden doors on a "gas chamber."
Only a jew would be dumb enough to come up with that shit, and only a stupid goy would believe such a thing.
She is the poster child as to why ALL AFFIRMATIVE ACTION in this COUNTRY needs to be HALTED IMMEDIATELY.
The only thing worse than an incompetent NIGGER is an INCOMPETENT JEW, and we are being ruled over by both.