Anonymous ID: 1594ca Is this the greatest PSYOP of all time?! Aug. 9, 2020, 7:06 a.m. No.10232052   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2096 >>2227 >>2325

Help a patriot out! I’ve been lurking since the beginning. I’m starting to 2nd guess things after trying to red pill people who are also immersed in the scriptures but believe that Trump is one of [them].


We thought we were a few years away from selling our business and retiring. Now, our small business has been totally destroyed and we lost our contracts. We are facing health challenges and our insurance is $2k per month. We are living on our savings and are nearing the end of resources.


We are the proud parents of two Marines. They must do whatever they are told. Yesterday, one of them had to be vaccinated for who knows as they are preparing to go abroad for a few months on a special assignment. I am worried.


Our other Marine knew one of the Marines killed in the amphibious accident. According to the boots on the ground, the amphibious truck was faulty and they alerted their commanding officers to that fact and of the impending danger. Nevertheless they were ordered to proceed with the training exercise. They lost their lives following orders they knew were wrong.


In the middle of all this, some of our relationships with friends and family members have been strained because of our refusal to be sheep and wear masks.


Recently, I’ve trying to convince a friend, someone I greatly admire, that we are watching a movie. I wrote:


”We know the pandemic is false and is meant to instill fear to control the masses. This was planned and created decades ago to bring about the NWO. They never thought Hilary would lose and it wrecked all their plans."


They responded:


“I disagree. With Hillary in during the start of the pandemic there would have been a national outcry and resistance to rights taken away and small businesses being destroyed. Trump was a dream come true. Many of the otherwise good conservatives, patriots and christians that would have given emense blowback to a Hillary administration just rolled over and trusted Trumps fearmongering about all the deaths that would take place, etc. Trump knew everything we know now, from the very beginning. It would have been impossible with all of the intelligence that he has access to. He could have stopped this Plandemic dead in its tracks back then and he could do that is a very real possibility, the more likely scenario is found in the scriptures which informs us that the great church will war against itself. I believe the animosity is very real. Both sides have very different objectives but neither side is composed of God-fearing Christians that are doing Gods work, both groups are carnal sensual and devilish. Trumps whole life has been a materialistic train wreck. Prophecy of end times events never gives any hint that the servants return to help existing government officials or need help from existing government officials. Quite the opposite. Isaiah tells us that ALL tables are filled with vomit. Satan remains the god of this world until the servants return. There will be a complete house cleaning. Justice will be provided by God's righteous army, not good people in high places. It will not be good people in the military and the government that begin God's Strange Act. It is totally the servants that come back with the voice of warning to gather the elect out of Babylon. You are really sweet to want to show me the light. Your intentions are good. You have a good heart. I appreciate your concern and your desire to teach me about what is happening. I have been searching the scriptures for a very long time and you and I obviously see prophecy being fulfilled very differently.”


Frens, could we all be fools and this movement is the greatest psyop of all time?! If so, it WOULD be the most brilliant military planning of all time!