TheGreat >RESET is not the reset that people calling for a Gold Standard have asked for. It is instead the GLOBALIST replacement of Capitalism with aCOMMUNIST TECHNOCRACYand that is something that every freedom loving person should fear. It is just cover for implementing a Global Feudalist society in which everyone except the technocratic elite, toils in serfdom or slavery, assigned to a location and a job that pays just enough to survive on, and no more. Serfs will have no choices. They go to work where they are told, take vaccines when they are told, and get abortions when they are told to. All aspects of the serf's life will be under the control of the technocrats.
All this bullshit about NESARA and GESARA is just that,BILLSHITby people who do not understand how the system works.
There will most certainly be changes but they will be initiated by the USA in the first instance, and then one by one, other countries will follow. I rather expect that Russia will be he first to follow. This is the deeper meaning ofAmerica First. The RESET called for by the WE Forum is very different because it calls for the GLOBALIST ELITE to be the first among equals. And if you read Animal Farm you know how badly that turned out.