The Catholic Church was right about Geocentrism.
Anons, the earth is the center of the universe. The science demonstrates it. This is a major MOAB that satanists must get you to reject, in order to push their satanic worldview.
If the Earth is the center of the universe, there is no doubt that there is a creator. If there is a creator, there is no doubt it is the God who sent His only Son to die for our sins, Our Lord Jesus Christ.
Watch. Learn. For more information check out the movie "The Principle", and "Journey to the Center of the Universe". The cabal used their satanic jew puppets to push bullshit science in order to destroy the Church. They then infiltrated the Church to push Vatican II, and ascended their lackeys (e.g., Pope Benedict XVI, who was a large proponent of the bunk science) in order to continue its destruction.
Learn your history anons. The Church was right. It is time to save Her from the evil one.
May God bless us, and have mercy on us all.