Nothing like mass surveillance and threats to spread freedom.
China very jealous.
Can't be any worse than the shit Monsanto's peddling.
Thank you, Mr. Zuckerberg. Way too much freedom here. Time to crack down.
You here that, shills. Masons are awesome! Anyone posting otherwise is a pedophile!
Can a baker start a few more breads. I don't think we have enough.
Not until everyone is properly block and censored.
Do people not get that the child porn industry is run by the deep state just like the drug industry?
I say dangerous things. You should block me. "Click" is just in your head.
KEK. triggered
65% of nurses smoke pot.
"Purchased" from who?
Notice they always get people for possessing and "downloading" CP. Downloaded from where?
The deep state.
I don't think there's any official stats, but the ratio of legitimate producers of child porn (not people taking pictures of their girlfriend) to people possessing it is ~500 to 1.
It's like the drug war. The deep state controls the flow to suit their political and financial needs.
wtf….there's CP on twitter?
This can't be a conscious strategy from the left unless it's meant to frame people.