Anonymous ID: eded49 Aug. 9, 2020, 6:39 p.m. No.10237185   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7302 >>7373 >>7380 >>7504 >>7539

Bill Gates: Trump’s Pandemic Response ‘Mind-Blowing’ — ‘No Other Country Has This Testing Insanity’


Sunday on CNN’s “Fareed Zakaria GPS,” Microsoft founder and billionaire philanthropist Bill Gates said the Trump administration’s coronavirus pandemic response was “mind-blowing that because you can’t get the federal government to improve the testing.”


Zakaria asked, “How do you explain the fact that the richest country on earth, that spends per capita maybe two to three times as much on health care as all the other rich countries in the world, seems to be kind of at the bottom of the pile of the advanced countries in the world in being able to handle this pandemic, what would be your answer?”


Gates replied, “Well, it took a number of mistakes. And I wouldn’t have predicted that we would do so poorly. You know, our Center for Disease Control is the best group of epidemiologists in the world. In fact, everyone relies on them.”


He continued, “But a variety of missteps by the U.S. and then the political atmosphere meant that we didn’t get our testing going. You know, it’s nonsense that any sort of travel ban we did was at all beneficial. That, you know, doesn’t pass the common sense test in terms of the waves of people that U.S. citizens that were allowed to keep coming in. And now, you know, we executed our lockdowns less nationwide and with less fidelity than other countries. So, we’re paying a pretty dramatic price, and not just in deaths. We also pay it in terms of the economic toll, which is up in the trillions.”


Gates added, “Our testing, of course, to this day, it’s mind-blowing that because you can’t get the federal government to improve the testing because they just want to say how great it is. You know, I’ve said to them, look, have a CDC website that prioritizes who gets website. That’s trivial to do. They won’t pay attention to that. I’ve said, don’t reimburse any tests, so the result goes back after three days. You’re paying billion dollars in to get the worst test results of any country in the world. You’ve created this incentive for the commercial guys to have long lines because you do not want to waste government money. You pay as much for the late result as the timely result. No other country has this testing insanity because they won’t talk about fixing it because they’re —you know, they think they need to just keep acting like they’ve done a competent job.”

Anonymous ID: eded49 Aug. 9, 2020, 6:41 p.m. No.10237198   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7302 >>7373 >>7539

Bitcoin-Hating Fed President Urges "Stricter Lockdown" To "Save Lives & Save The Economy"


In brief


The President of the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, Neel Kashkari, has called for another strict lockdown.


This is at odds with President Donald Trump, who spoke unfavorably on Monday about lockdowns.


Kashkari's ideas have previously confounded the crypto community.


The President of the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis has called for another lockdown to save the US economy.


In a Friday New York Times op-ed, Neel Kashkari wrote that in order to “save lives, and save the economy, we need another lockdown.”


Along with Michael T. Osterholm, director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota, Kashkari said that a “more restrictive lockdown,” state by state, is necessary to “crush the spread” of COVID-19.


He argued that “what we have done so far hasn’t worked,” and proposed that the new lockdown be for up to six weeks - and stricter than before…


…Not only will a stricter lockdown save lives but “there won’t be a robust economic recovery until we get control of the virus,” wrote Kashkari.


The cryptocurrency community has also been at odds with Kashkari since he said in March that the Federal Reserve has an “infinite amount of cash” - prompting Bitcoiners to push the argument for the inflation-proof digital asset.


In February, Kashkari likened cryptocurrencies to a “giant garbage dumpster,” arguing that the US dollar’s scarcity is what makes it valuable.


One month later, the Federal Reserve launched a record $2.3 trillion rescue package.


Such a large stimulus package is regarded by some Bitcoin-faithfuls as a reckless; Bitcoin's monetary policy, however, is hard-coded into its consensus mechanism.


A life-long Republican, Kashkari’s views may seem to conflict with those of his party - and president. Only this week President Donald Trump said that “a permanent lockdown is not a viable path” for controlling the pandemic.


“Lockdowns do not prevent infection in the future,” he said at a Monday press conference.


“They just don’t. It comes back many times, it comes back.”

Anonymous ID: eded49 Aug. 9, 2020, 6:42 p.m. No.10237208   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7302 >>7373 >>7539

Gov. Cuomo: Trump’s Executive Orders ‘Laughable’


Sunday, CNN played audio of a phone call in which Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D-NY) said President Donald Trump’s executive orders addressing the economic downturn caused by the coronavirus pandemic were “laughable.”


Host Dana Bash said, “The New York governor is slamming the president’s executive actions calling them laughable. In a call, today, updating the state’s battle with the pandemic, the Democratic governor of New York Andrew Cuomo questioned the legality of the president’s moves criticizing the directives to force states to pay for more unemployment and not providing any funding for schools to reopen.”


Cuomo said, “The concept of saying to states, you pay 25% of the unemployment insurance is just laughable. The whole issue here was getting states funding, state, and local funding. You can’t now say to states, who have no funding, and you have to pay 25% of the unemployment insurance costs. I mean, it’s just —there’s no funding for schools that are now trying to reopen, and according to the White House, they want them to reopen. So they need legislation. It is the only way to do it. ”

Anonymous ID: eded49 Aug. 9, 2020, 6:44 p.m. No.10237232   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7243 >>7253 >>7302 >>7373 >>7477 >>7539

Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham (R-SC) released a declassified document on Sunday that showed the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) misled the Senate Intelligence Committee on the reliability of the Steele dossier when the FBI briefed the committee in 2018.

Anonymous ID: eded49 Aug. 9, 2020, 6:46 p.m. No.10237254   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7302 >>7373 >>7539

‘50 Things They Don’t Want You to Know About Trump’: HarperCollins Reveals Breitbart Editor Jerome Hudson’s Book Cover


Publishing powerhouse HarperCollins has released the cover of Breitbart News Entertainment Editor Jerome Hudson’s latest book, 50 Things They Don’t Want You to Know About Trump, which promises to deliver counterintuitive facts about the president’s first term that the establishment media have worked so hard to hide.


The ultimate collection of facts about what President Donald Trump accomplished in his first term — facts your professors; your politicians in Washington, DC; TV pundits; and Hollywood celebrities don’t want you to know. They include:



President Trump allocated more funding to historically black colleges and universities than any other president.

The poverty rate for black and Hispanic Americans dropped to an all-time low in 2018.

The famous “Muslim Ban” excluded 87 percent of the world’s Muslims.

Blue-collar workers enjoyed three times the wage growth of the top one percent of households.

Median household income reached $65,666 in 2019, the highest level on record.

From his first month in office, President Trump presided over the largest manufacturing boom in a first term since the 1970s.

Trump has been tougher on Putin than Obama was.

The Trump DOJ has opened more than 1,000 cases against the world’s top intellectual property thieves as America loses trillions in Chinese theft.

Trump prioritized breaking the Chinese monopoly on rare-earth elements, and the U.S. is digging for them for the first time since the Manhattan Project.

Border crossings plummeted by 78 percent from March 2019 to March 2020.

Democrats began calling for trump’s impeachment months before he was the Republican nominee.

Violent crime has fallen every year since Trump took office after rising the last two years under Obama.

Trump’s federal agencies are investigating the big tech giants’ monopolistic practices.

Anonymous ID: eded49 Aug. 9, 2020, 6:53 p.m. No.10237321   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7373 >>7539

This Week In Campus Insanity Vol. 5


Welcome back to Campus Insanity, a weekly roundup of the craziest developments at our nation's 4,000-plus institutions of higher education.

  1. University of North Texas Mob Comes Calling for a Music Theorist | National Review


A University of North Texas music theory professor was attacked by woke students for defending a 19th-century music theorist against accusations of racism.

  1. Pro-Life Groups Threaten Lawsuit After Students Arrested | Washington Free Beacon


Students for Life plans to sue the mayor of Washington, D.C., after police arrested a Towson University student and a D.C. resident for chalking a pro-life message outside a Planned Parenthood abortion clinic.

  1. Economics Professor Barred from Teaching Class Critical of Karl Marx | The College Fix


A Wright State University professor faced criticism from bosses, peers, and students after requesting to teach a class critical of Marxism.

  1. Tulane University Canceled Talk by Author of Anti-Racism Book After Students Said Text Was ‘Violent' | Reason


Tulane University was forced to cancel a talk with the author of an anti-racism book after students said the talk was "violent towards the experience of black people in the Tulane community and our country."

  1. Arizona State University Publishes ‘Black Male Privilege' Checklist | Campus Reform


Arizona State University published an online "checklist" to address "black male privilege," which allegedly prevents black women from holding power in the Civil Rights movement and Black Power movement.

  1. Arizona Ph.D. Student Targets ‘Problematic' Insect Names: Slavemaker Ant, Gypsy Moth, Rape Bug, and Dozens More | The College Fix


Scholars created a list of 60-plus "problematic" animal and insect names including, "slavemaker ant," "gypsy moth," and "rape bug" to address "racism in science."

Anonymous ID: eded49 Aug. 9, 2020, 6:54 p.m. No.10237332   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7343 >>7373 >>7390 >>7539

'Insane!': Police Warn 'Portland Is Lost' if 'Failing' Mayor and DA Don't Stop Riots


The Portland Police Association (PPA) has issued another dire plea to Mayor Ted Wheeler and the new district attorney to change their “insane” riot policies and enforce the rule of law or else “Portland is lost.”


A “disgusted” PPA President Daryl Turner excoriated the mayor and newly installed District Attorney Mike Schmidt, demanding rioters be prosecuted and police be allowed to protect the rest of the citizenry saying, “Portland has had enough.”


He accused the two “failing” elected leaders of backing “insane” policies of letting rioters destroy, burn, hurt, and vandalize “almost to the point of no return.”


Twice in the last two days, these rioters have accomplished their mission: chaos and destruction. That is because the Police Bureau’s operational direction from the Police Commissioner and City Council is to let the violence escalate almost to the point of no return, and only then can the Police Bureau intervene. That is insane. Police should have the latitude to prevent crime, not watch it happen and only intervene after the fact.


It does not stop there. Although the Police Bureau has made 21 arrests in those two days, I have no doubt that those arrested will get away with their crimes without any consequence or accountability from the District Attorney’s Office.


As Police Commissioner and District Attorney, your primary jobs are public safety, not politics. You are failing.


For more than 70 nights, the city has been under a siege by antifa and Black Lives Matter anarchists and communists attempting to burn buildings, vandalize private and public property, and threaten the lives of Portlanders. See video below of rioters threatening to burn down an occupied apartment building and jumping a police officer.

Related: Exclusive: Portland Cops Are Getting the Hell Out of Antifastan and Retiring in Record Numbers


Their stated aim is to get rid of the police, by any means necessary, and bring down America. This amorphous goal is a perpetual motion riot machine. The riots will continue until … they have no idea. Anyone who gets in their way is labeled a racist or fascist and harmed and canceled.


What Turner asks isn’t hard. He asks Wheeler and Schmidt to do the jobs they swore an oath to do.


I am disgusted that our City has come to this. If it is acceptable for rioters to commit acts of violence against community members and to try and burn down occupied buildings, and if this conduct is allowed to continue, then Portland is lost.


Our communities demand accountability. That includes you two being accountable to the public. Allow our Police Officers to do the job they swore an oath to do, to stop crime and the fear of crime. Use the criminal justice system to hold criminals accountable for their crimes with actual consequences.


Let the Police Chief, his command staff, and the rank-and-file officers do their jobs in protecting the City from the rioters who are bent on destroying our City, burning our police precincts, and assaulting officers or anyone else who gets in their way.

Anonymous ID: eded49 Aug. 9, 2020, 6:56 p.m. No.10237346   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7359 >>7373 >>7539

AG Barr: US facing new form of 'urban guerrilla warfare' driven by left's 'lust for power'


AG tells 'Life, Liberty & Levin' that the left views opposition as 'evil because we stand in the way of their progressive utopia'


The United States is grappling with a new form of "urban guerrilla warfare" driven by the left's "lust for power," Attorney General William Barr told "Life, Liberty & Levin" on Sunday.


Discussing the ongoing Black Lives Matter riots rippling through several U.S. cities, Barr told host Mark Levin that the organization which has been characterized by the media as a fed-up activist group is comprised of "Bolsheviks" with a focus on on "some form of socialism, communism."


"They are a revolutionary group that is interested in some form of socialism, communism. They're essentially Bolsheviks. Their tactics are fascistic," he said.


Barr compared the nationwide riots organized by Antifa to "a new form of urban guerrilla warfare."


"The way the guerrilla…hides out among the people as a fish in the ocean…what they do is they are essentially shielding themselves or shrouding themselves in First Amendment activity," he explained. "They go into the demonstrations, which are exercising First Amendment activity, and they insinuate themselves in there to shield themselves. That's where they swim. And what they do is they hijack these demonstrations and they and they provoke violence."

Anonymous ID: eded49 Aug. 9, 2020, 6:57 p.m. No.10237362   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7373 >>7539

Trump Says US Will Send Additional Aid to Lebanon


Washington earlier sent three large aircraft to blast-hit Beirut with medical supplies, food, water, and emergency equipment to help.


President Donald Trump announced on Sunday that the United States will be sending additional planes with aid to Lebanon following the recent powerful and deadly explosion in Beirut.


On Saturday, the US president said he informed the Lebanese government that three US aircraft were en route with medical supplies and first responders. He also said the US stands ready to assist in the investigation into the accident.


Beirut was hit by a massive explosion on Tuesday, killing at least 158 people and injuring over 6,000 more, while many bodies have been still not been identified. Significant damage has been done to the city, with dozens of buildings damaged or fully destroyed as a result of the accident.


According to the city's authorities, the blast was caused by 2,750 tonnes of ammonium nitrate, confiscated by the customs services in 2014 and stored in the port since then.


Multiple countries have offered Lebanon help to deal with the consequences of the blast.

Anonymous ID: eded49 Aug. 9, 2020, 7 p.m. No.10237384   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7398 >>7459

Welp, the GOP Now Has 15 QAnon-Linked Candidates on the November Ballot


Since the start of the pandemic, President Trump has shared at least 90 tweets from 49 QAnon accounts.


The November ballot is starting to get crowded with candidates tied to QAnon.


On Tuesday evening, a GOP challenger in Arizona secured a place on the ballot — becoming the 16th person with links to the sprawling pro-Trump conspiracy theory to have a shot at getting into public office.


Daniel Wood, a 42-year-old Marine Corps veteran and ex-cop who now manages an egg farm, ran uncontested as a Republican in Arizona’s 3rd Congressional District, which encompasses Tucson and shares a border with Mexico. In November, Wood will face Rep. Raúl Grijalva, a Democrat seeking his 10th term in office. It’ll be an uphill battle for Wood, but not impossible: The district was red for about three decades until Grijalva won in 2010. Grijalva ran uncontested in 2016, and in 2018, he took home 64% of the vote.


Wood routinely retweets posts containing QAnon slogans, such as #WWG1WGA and #GreatAwakening. He’s also tweeted those slogans from his own account, according to posts compiled by Media Matters for America, a media watchdog.


A list compiled by the group shows the 16 candidates tied to QAnon.


The ascent of QAnon believers to political office is just the latest troubling sign that the fringe theory, which began with a single post by “Q” on 4chan in 2017, has made its way into the mainstream. Adherents of the theory claim that President Trump is working to take down a global network of Satanist, child-trafficking elites, and the “deep state.” QAnon believers have been linked to several acts of violence, including the murder of a mob boss last year in Staten Island, New York. More recently, a woman carrying knives was arrested after live-streaming her attempt to “take out” Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden.

Anonymous ID: eded49 Aug. 9, 2020, 7:09 p.m. No.10237475   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7514 >>7531 >>7536

Transport Minister: There are no explosive materials stored in Syrian ports


Damascus, SANA – Transport Minister Ali Hammoud asserted on Sunday that there are no explosive materials in Syrian ports.


During a phone call with the Syrian TV, Hammoud said “We affirm that we don’t have any explosive materials in Syrian ports. Also, customs do not have any discarded customs materials that are explosive at any of the ports.”


The Minister said that since the first moments of the painful catastrophe in Beirut port which claimed the lives of dozens of victims, wounded many more, and caused large economic and social damages, the Syrian authorities carried out inspections in the ports to ensure that all the stored materials are secure and meet the international codes for storing dangerous substances.


He concluded by calling on citizens to not be deceived by rumors circulated on social media websites, reiterating his assurance that there are no explosive materials stored in Syrian ports.