Out of control 8chan conspiracy theorists claim that Creepy Joe Biden is a senile old pervert and crook.
Who was Trump's friend in NYC who died of corona?
One of the obejctives of the demoncrat vote fraud is to keep the incompetent and crooked demoncrat Governors in office. Without fraud, they will be uniformly removed by the voters.
Willie Brown knows Creepy cant win.
Killary puts the K in Klueless.
She looks like a cross between Planet of the Apes and a real ape.
It's becoming very serious.
There aint no hidin' from Biden.
Muppetry intensifies.
The D's are too stupid to nominate somebody like George Clooney, who will act the part while doing whatever /they/ tell him to do.
As an investigtive journalist, I once ventured into the shadowy fringes of the interweb known as 8chan. Their Qanon Bakers called me horrible names like faggot, nigger, glowfaggot, glownigger, and worse.
So what? Tom Fitton releases damning info on the deep state every week and nothing ever happens but more Dobbs and Hannity interviews.
It's always opposite day at msdnc.
The USA needs to go back to old school, non-commercialized sports. Current lacrosse is a good example.
Cutting the cable is one of the best ways to defund sportsball. Suggest avoiding AT&T when you do cut the cable.
Is she responsible for the Mr. Pig spam too?
That's how Trump attacked the human traffickers on 12/21/17, by seizing their assets first.
Vell, thiz iz a promizing development towardz our plan to return to the Fadderlannd.
What are you saying, man, that Hunter needs to take a cocaine test? He already took a bunch. C'mon, man!
Most of the PGA players are R's, CBS and the PGA Admin, not so much.
Crucify that incompetent crooktard.
Hahah a I saw those maniacs play.
Commence demoncrat and rino head explosions.
Trump should encamp 500 Marines on the WH lawns. Back-ups at Andrews 10 mins away. The WH is a military installation and home of the CinC.
Willie dgaf about Kamelface.
Amazing prayer. A prayer for enemies, a very tough lesson for me.
Amazon will probably cash in on insurance payments.
Mines run by niggaz and chinks.
No police = No 2A infringements