>>1024502 (last)
Mogg will get in, uniting Conservatives and Labour voters and Libs who want Brexit.
>>1024502 (last)
Mogg will get in, uniting Conservatives and Labour voters and Libs who want Brexit.
Yeah, so that was fucking terrible.
Parallel errrr, construction, is that the word you used?
Doctors in the two hospitals where it happened and intercepted messages to the white helmets.
Look at the kids, bright white eyes, no chlorine attack looks like that.
There had been a fire and they were hosed down by FAMILIES as a pre-caution.
MI6 and SIS, non-domestic
I bet the NSA provided the intercepts to Russia too.
If and it's a big if, the Russians have intercepts as they laim of London pressuring the White Helmets to stage the attack EARLIER (which is the claim) than they were intending to, then that is a MASSIVE checkmate against the Brits.
NSA likely to have got the intercepts too, can secretly provide the Russians.
May has been set up. Tried to fuck over Trump AGAIN.
May is blackmailed because of her father. Had him scrubbed from the internet.
Boris is blackmailed for all his extra marital affairs and other shit.
Davis is a massive alcoholic who is thick as mince.
They need to go.
If there are no bodies from the attackโฆ
Next move out of London, since they are out of false flags, is the death of a monarch or her spouse.
Be interesting to try that!
I think we all know who Q is.
I think there are PLENTY of white hats in the UK who have had enough of the bullshit here.
They gave up everyone else?
The plot thickens.
What's POTUS schedule for today?
Top Kek!
Israel was blamed for the GCC attack in Syria the other day.
I suspect the GCC has or is gutting the Iranians and the Hezboallah as we speak OR HAS ALREADY HOLLOWED THEM OUT!!!
/pol/ is down probably because operators are active.
It was the Saudis not Israel, just reported that way
Trump Tweet.
"We are bringing back our factories, we are bringing back our jobs, and we are bringing back those four beautiful words: MADE IN THE USA!"
The US is back in control of itself.
The UK leaders will answer for the fucker!
UKanons will be free.