ID: 3e564e Aug. 10, 2020, 6:15 p.m. No.10248128   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8154


diamandes was running a moto show for c suite s called exponential management. It was is/pretty good. Suspect white hat.

Singularity University was founded to develope 'friendly AI"

since most of us understand neither AI or exponential growth lecturing CEOs on why survival doesn't required criminality (anymore) and why tomorrow will be nothing like today seems like a good thing to be doing.

Also one of the founders of the X prize

supports a cure for aging (found)


he does more good than harm.


Conde nast is Advance Publications which the well known satanist bloodline illuminated 'vore S.I Newhouse

who is

losing a fortune backing cult play against Team Trump/