Elite Planning to Follow Up on Fake Plandemic with Fake Alien Invasion.
Ben Fulford Aug. 10, 2020
The Khazarian mafia is preparing the public for some form of alien disclosure or invasion scenario as they struggle to stay in power, Pentagon and other sources claim.
The most likely scenario for this autumn is the cancellation of the U.S. Presidential election followed by a UFO distraction, the sources say. U.S. President Donald Trump himself is saying the election needs to be called off even as he continues to promote a “Space force.”
A strong indicator for this campaign was an article in the New York Times that among other things mentions the U.S. military has “off-world vehicles not made on this earth.” https://www.nytimes.com/2020/07/23/us/politics/pentagon-ufo-harry-reid-navy.html
In 1993, the Disclosure Initiative was created by none other than financier Laurence Rockefeller (4th son of Standard Oil founder John D. Rockefeller). During the heyday of the Rockefeller UFO Disclosure Initiative, the Clintons stayed at the Laurence Rockefeller ranch in Wyoming, during which time an early recruit to the “disclosure mission” was Clinton Chief of Staff John Podesta.
The Naval Intelligence information-disinformation site Sorcha Faal is among the many sources now aggressively pushing the “alien” theme.
They confirm what CIA and Pentagon sources say that the November presidential election will be canceled and:
“That will then be quickly followed by an even more shocking “October Surprise” event, that will see President Trump revealing to the American people the truth about what happened in Roswell-New Mexico in 1947—a revelation President Trump will make exposing the truth of alien life not of our world, that this GRU document shows President Trump and President Putin having discussed in phone conversations 11-times since February (U.S. sources say at least 8-times), to include their call this past Thursday—phone calls between President Trump and President Putin this GRU document shows them discussing only one subject, known as the “The Kemerovo File.”
That is one of the most highly-classified files in the possession of MoD, and regards a mysterious UFO-like object discovered in January-2015 by Russian coal miners deep underground in the Belovo District-Kemerovo—that most astoundingly to know about, is a near exact miniaturized version of the UFO said to have crashed in Roswell-New Mexico in 1947.”