Q.. if you're listening, if you need a mad dog, I'm your man. I don't give a shit about enjoying your show. I want to play a part.
Hilarious.. he's fighting the smile and laugh back.
She's been voting in line with Trump 100% apparently. And just a junior senator. She screwed up with the financial debacle awhile back, but it could really just been a dumb mistake.
It's never been pretty though. Al Capone backed Republicans before that.
Too many of these to list.
Warner going through massive layoffs. Disney as well. This isn't related to this thread so much as just positive news.
It isn't just the Catholic church. But a lot of famous preachers, like TD Jakes. They're looters, no better than the looters in Chicago.
So his number randomly shows up, like the Chinese takeout guy? He doesn't bother to explain that one.