Could it be… that DOG COMMS = JOHN GALT?
>your homo balls.
Is that supposed to be… frightening? Cuz it's moar sad than anything else.
Godspeed, BigUglyAnon.
>track marks?
Having a hard time believing that IV is truly inserted. Best stab I've ever seen or had.
Ever notice they all have the latest shoes and they're all really, really clean- for street rats, ya know.
>A Child in the US 2,000 Times More Likely to be Victim of Child Trafficking than to Die from Coronavirus
This needs to be on an info-graphic
Any memefags on tonight?
Would this info squeeze on to this pic?
A Child in the US 2,000 Times More Likely to be Victim of Child Trafficking than to Die from Coronavirus
>'Space Warfighters
>Call this bitch Boule