Have any of you considered the probable outcomes of the possible election scenarios? In case you haven't, there's really only two that turn out good.
1) Trump wins and the shitshow continues. COVID, more impeachment scams, riots, police defunding, economic horror, etc…, etc…
2) Dems win (with whomever) and all Trump policies get reversed. Wall comes down, illegal immigration goes up. Police defunded across nation. UN comes in as police force, working alongside Antifa, BLM and other Marxists/militant groups. Guns banned. Total dictatorship in 2 years.
3) Election doesn't happen for whatever reason. Shitshow ramps up to 11 and just continues. More lockdowns, more riots, more small businesses going bankrupt, property values plummet across all major cities, etc…, etc…
Those are the only scenarios that could happen.
And the only way this turns out good is if the military does pulls an October/November surprise and arrests all these traitorous, treasonous mother fuckers. I know some people are skittish about Marshal Law, but I don't think those people understand the precarious position our country is in right now, and how close to falling into the abyss we are.
If the military does not intervene, then it'll be left to the Patriots of this country. And no offense, but considering how slow to draw they/we have been thus far, I don't hold much faith in that resolving the issue.
Let's just hope those early Q drops come true.