My pleasure
>Must be fun to be a small business owner but see big business and the stock market about to make all time highs and Wall Street bailed out yet again with trillions while you have to be shutdown for months or only let 50% capacity in or less. All for some social engineering
Something must be done about those Governors, those locally elected Governors, those locally voted in and elected Governors
>Or maybe the side that "has it all" should act?
>Both sides are playing this game. Social engineering is all it is
Not the Feds issue. People like you would bitch to high heaven if this was indeed the Feds issue. It must just make you RAGE that the tards you vote in (or dont vote against) to your Governorshis and down the ladder, just continue to betray you. Then you whine that the Fed should bail you out.
Fuck that, You voted for the bed you are in, enjoy your overlords.
>A friend of ours seems to have picked up on this as well.
Im sure you ment to post this in freerepublic. Take it there, e is no friend of this place.
>>>10263206 (You)
>vote your local gov out … or run yourself if you don't like what's going on
>asking for Fed control is asking for centralized power, which is exactly the socialist model
>concentrate power in the Feds and it will be used against you
>local control is the only way forward
Everything from dog catcher on up. It all matters now more than it ever will. Losses in this election cycle will not be recoverable.