"As such, we concluded that McCabe’s testimony to the OIG lacked candor and violated FBI Offense Code 2.6 (Lack of Candor–Under Oath) when he falsely testified on November 29, 2017, that:
(a) he told Comey on October 31, 2016, that he (McCabe) had authorized the disclosure to the WSJ and that Comey agreed it was a “good” idea;
(b) he did not deny to the INSD agents on May 9 that he had authorized the disclosure to the WSJ; and
(c) the May 9 INSD interview occurred at the end of an unrelated meeting when one of the INSD agents pulled him aside and asked him one or two questions about the October 30 article"
Well that drives a bit of a wedge between Comey and McCabe…