Anonymous ID: 80287e April 21, 2018, 8:47 a.m. No.1130270   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The ray of light which the individual soul or spirit of man is connected to the physical body with what the ancients called the silver cord. That silver cord touches the physical body at the lowermost part of the pineal gland.

The silver cord is the same that is spoken of in Ecclesiastes where we find Solomon saying, “Or ever the silver cord be severed or the golden bowl be broken or the pitcher shattered at the well. The golden bowl is actually the cave of the brain where the pineal is located. The silver cord remains always attached to that pineal gland. The silver cord is that connecting link between the physical man and the spiritual nature of God (soul) According to certain ancient texts, the silver cord is not detached from the body until 72 hours after death. Wonder why we wait 3 days until burial? That is why the people thought it was a miracle that Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead. He did that 4 days after death. If Jesus had done that within the 3 day period, they would not have believed it a miracle. A body could be re-animated within those 3 days.

The pineal gland starts to atrophy around adolescence. It is not active in most people after the age of 20-22. Anatomically speaking, it has all the parts found in the human eye but is inside the head but cannot see out. It is “blind”.

It is also thru gland that that we receive messages. Bible refers to the “small still voice”. Something told me. I had a feeling. The answer just came to me, etc. When you pray, go to that cave where the pineal is, and you will commune with God.

All of this leads me to suspect part of the reason these cannibalistic Satanists concentrate on children is the pineal gland. Since the soul connects to the body thru the pineal, by these people consuming childrens pineal, they are (in their minds) consuming and trapping the soul of another person? What they feel it would do for them, not sure. Takes 3 days for the soul to be severed from the pineal.

I’m sick of everything these people do. Taking what is sacred and holy and perverting it.