April 11, POTUS signs HR 1865 to fight sex trafficking. In attendance at the signing ceremony was, among others, Governor of US Virgin Islands Kenneth Mapp. We know there is a very special cabal island in that area.
Recall on April 10 there was an earthquake right near that island that some anons suspected might NOT have been a force of nature.
Anon posted on the 11th that some banter between POTUS and Mapp seemed suggestive. POTUS says we cleaned up your island, which prompted laughter.
Well lookie who was trying to help Gov Mapp with relief efforts just a week earlier.
Readout for reference: https:// www.whitehouse.gov/briefings-statements/remarks-president-trump-signing-h-r-1865-allow-states-victims-fight-online-sex-trafficking-act-2017/