Anonymous ID: d1c287 April 13, 2018, 1:43 p.m. No.1027783   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The OIG reports are by necessity written in legalese. Suggesting we condense them into everyday language for everyday people. Memes might then jump out naturally.

Think Johnny Cochrane, OJ's lawyer, who said "If the glove don' fit You must acquit". Simple.


I havent had the chance to digest the OIG report and it will take time. Anons already knew McCabe and Comey lied. So what? All lawyers lie; it's part of the job description. Even for defense attorneys to provide alternative possibilities (read: lies) for actions.


So what do we do? Maybe we "bring it home" to normies. Meme WHY their lies were bad. Meme what it MEANS that the 0bama admin was repeatedly covering up anything that made them look bad. Yeah, it's all WAY worse than Watergate, but millenials don't really know or care, so each person here needs to find their own words and perspective to drive this home.


There are some good anti- "scandal-free" memes waiting to be made but I'm the artist to make them. Each OIG report will add more details, more examples, more corruption. We should start exploiting this.

Thank you.

Anonymous ID: d1c287 April 13, 2018, 2:06 p.m. No.1028043   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Multiple power winning drops…

definitely inside their OODA loop…

(((they))) won't know which way to turn, which one to address first…

TV news does not have enough time in a show to start to deconstruct/dissemble/deflect all the incomings…

Todays battles might be won via chats on the sidelines while watching our kids' soccer games and baseball practices this weekend.

NOT tired of winning!