Anecdotes anon
Never trust anecdotes
You need a representative sample, not four fags talking about their farms
Stats 101
Anecdotes anon
Never trust anecdotes
You need a representative sample, not four fags talking about their farms
Stats 101
>No expectations. Take this for what it is: just an anon sharing her thoughts. :)
Greetings anon
You know the rules
Tits or get the fuck out
You had to go and use a pronoun
Cause you need that special treatment
Bare thy chest, or henceforth begone
Please. Put your keyboard away.
Mouse only.
Scroll wheel and clicks.
No moar dumb shit outta you
Beat to keep your mouth shut and let ppl think you are a special kind of stupid
Than to open your mouth and prove that you belong on the short bus licking banana flavored windows