Anonymous ID: d73365 Aug. 13, 2020, 4:59 p.m. No.10279087   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Mr. President,


You asked what I had to lose wearing a mask.


I find it breathtaking the way you help yourself to my civil rights without so much as a by your leave.


Nowhere in the Constitution am I obligated to make you or anyone else comfortable with your personal choices. In my state, however, I have no choice if I want to work, to shop, to walk among the people–I am forced to wear a mask. You encourage this tyranny every time you urge wearing a mask and ask what do you have to lose.


I wish you would quit insulting my patriotism. I could insult yours, but I won't.


I want my civil rights back, the rights given me by God, not you or any other person, and guaranteed me in the Declaration of Independence.


A lot to lose in my opinion, considering my ancestor signed that Declaration and died broke because of it.