I note Stalin’s mother was from the peasant class of which the large majority of Georgian Jews were within. The other group of Georgian Jews were rich Jewish rug merchants of which Stalin’s mother….”Keke often worked in the houses of rich Jewish traders in Gori, and sometimes took her son along.” [3]
It was these wealthy Jews who actually paid for Stalin’s education as a young man. It was a common custom for Jews in the Georgian community to provide educational support to the Jewish youth of their community, and Stalin had the mind for such. Stalin’s mother Ekaterina did laundry and housekeeping for David Papisnedov, a local Jew. Their nickname for Stalin was “Soso.” Stalin received Papisnedov at the Kremlin often. It has been believed with great case that the Jew Papisnedov was in fact Stalin’s father by some. One way or another his father was a Jew and probably his mother a Khazar Jew too.
Stalin also made anti-Semitism the death penalty in the USSR and was behind the creation of Israel in sending the Jewish NKVD down to help along with money and supplies and was also the first world leader to recognize Israel as the Jewish State in the UN.
Here is the pointing to Stalin’s real surname again the Y and J are the same and in the languages the D and J are shown together the H is an phonetic aspirant. Stalin’s surname, Dzhugashvili….. JUga….JUDA shivili…….Son of a Jew. The Dzh is also how they spell the J, Y sound in Russian. Knowing the H is a phonetic aspirant within this does make the YU the meaning of Jew, showing the G is a high eee sound and identical to the D sound. Given YU is Jew its likely the G is a D making JUDA. In Georgian they have this as Yuga which has no Dzh but the same sound its the Y ultimately. So JU, JEW. JUDA again. And Shvili means Son Of.
YUDAshvili is Son Of JUDA. or JUDAH. Son Of A Jew. The Eastern Europe sources where correct on the meaning of this surname meaning this.
This explains how it just was Stalin spoke perfect Yiddish his whole life. Yiddish is the common language Jews speak in most places next to Hebrew.