Anonymous ID: 5561e8 Aug. 14, 2020, 8:17 a.m. No.10284812   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4853





Anonymous ID: FAkr+Yka No.148185083 📁

Nov 5 2017 23:46:24 (EST)

Important to archive.

Above & next drops have high probability of shutting down /pol/.

It is being safeguarded for these transmissions but not 100% secure.

Who owns /pol/?

Why is this platform being used?

What recent events almost occurred re: /pol/?

Why is this relevant?

Stay alert in main US cities (DC), sporting events, and other conservative gatherings.


Stay alert in main US cities (DC), sporting events, and other conservative gatherings.

More false flags imminent.

ELECTIONS(tues) NO LONGER MATTER at this stage.

Snow White.>>10284769


Godfather III.

Above will have context as news unfolds.

Summarize and paint the picture.



Anonymous ID: 5561e8 Aug. 14, 2020, 8:32 a.m. No.10284954   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4975

>>You say you want a revolution?


Problem is they eat themselves 90% of the time, Are we stopping a revolution we dont want?[better] or creating one? if we do not know we can not win, Take yourself out of cyber land I have fought boots on the ground with these people. they will need to be taken away they wont go quietly, If they have the Law on there side then we are the criminals, If it can not be proved they stole it They win, it is a moves and counter move argument,

Anonymous ID: 5561e8 Aug. 14, 2020, 8:36 a.m. No.10284993   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5023


I know its all so tiresome, that was my point If WWG1WGA is real [it is] the elections no longer matter and they are a slide, there fake panic about Q candidate is coordinated to troll us into action, we need to stay on the target

Anonymous ID: 5561e8 Aug. 14, 2020, 8:45 a.m. No.10285070   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5101 >>5110 >>5290


Ya right we are supposed to believe this? the shit is still rigged, they put a Q person in there to pull an AOC prob want to lock up the world for JFK jr arrival and worship the Q god who inpowers Trump with Ramtha sun powers, Be carful who you follow annons know fake panic when we see it real panic looks like election night 2016 RECONCILE

Anonymous ID: 5561e8 Aug. 14, 2020, 8:51 a.m. No.10285125   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5139

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 4e4d4a No.7538264 📁

Dec 17 2019 17:03:45 (EST)

First indictment [unseal] will trigger mass pop awakening.

First arrest will verify action and confirm future direction.

They will fight but you are ready.

Marker [9].

Q this post is posted 2x in a row 3716 3717