Anonymous ID: 793d8d Aug. 14, 2020, 8:49 a.m. No.10285107   🗄️.is 🔗kun

To all Digital & Spiritual WARRIORS:


We are blessed and burdened to live and fight in the 2nd American Revolution. This is the latest iteration of the age-old battle between good and evil and is spiritual and psychological (digital / informational) in nature. Our enemy has dulled the spirit and programmed the minds of its minions to embrace darkness. We are called to shine a light in the darkness to expose its evil. Evil shrieks and wales and causes those possessed of it to gnash their teeth when exposed.


As unsettling as this is it is a sign that evil knows its time is nearly up. It is lashing out as a cornered beast and its minions gnash their teeth in spiritual sympathy with it.


Many who were deceived are waking up to the truth in seeing this darkness exposed that has long been hidden and silently stealing their freedom. Almighty God is sovereign and He is deliberately evicting evil from this fallen world in the way necessary to revive and save as many human souls as possible.


Not all will be saved, but we are compelled to join the spiritual & digital warfare that is intensified and focused on our nation at this time. These next few months will be the stuff of history books for eternity. Let’s be bold and earn a reward of spiritual & digital battles won in this current sphere, and a peaceful and content conscience forever knowing we warred on the side of eternal Victory & Truth.