The Barr drop today will be good, he said it would not be earth shattering but a development is good. Not a nothing burger like the share blue shills are pushing.
I agree with Q to keep them unfiltered, I only filter when it is repetitive copy paste shit. It's good to get a good laugh at how retarded these keyboard zombies are.
He is a Democrat plant, when I worked in the party in the 90s I figured out in Virginia that a big part of the party were Democrats posing a Republicans as political sabotage. They worked to defeat good candidates and they served as the media mouthpieces so the press could claim it was covering both sides.
How many media stories are we up to that mention QAnon?
shills like you have no place in the west
good news
First of all nothing Barr says will be earth shattering because we all know what happened already. It's just officially confirming stuff we already knew. I think that is what Durham means.
If you are not a shill and legit believe this stuff you are retarded. You are falling for the left's bait. They want you to be a divisive hateful asshole so they can point you out as a boogeyman.
We all know there are bad jews, bad gentiles, bad every type of race. But no race is all bad, there are good people everywhere, that is the weakness of these retard muh jews posts.
those are your people yo
I volunteer to be an executioner, I I have my hooded robe and axe
Blacks have much more of a soul than leftists whites, they are much more reachable. Most have not yet sold their soul to Satan, they have belief still