Thank you, baker!
So who's this Sundance dude I'm just now starting to hear about on Gateway Pundit?
Thank you, baker!
So who's this Sundance dude I'm just now starting to hear about on Gateway Pundit?
Yeah, that's what I figured; somebody tried to say that he's the one who got Barr to finally "do something"
Quite lame to say Q is fake but some Sundancer is real
Sundance name has something to do with dancing with the devil: lucifer the lightbringer; something to avoid like the plague
Well the site's not endorsing any larps, but the comment section is filled with division shills.
Yesterday, GP posted an article making fun of what a Roff child wrote about Q. In the comments, somebody (seems to be only one shill so far) went round saying basically "Q is fake; Sundance is real, follow him instead"
Made me curious, and not the least bit surprised so thought I should go right to the sauce and ask. Made the right choice ;) Confirmed what I already knew
And the damage is done; if we then point at Time getting it right, GP readers are conditioned to say, "Time: LOL! Find a credible source and get back with me"
Too bad TGP no longer allows links, memes and twatter posts; that could be a sign as well
TGP is where I used to get all my best memes! Now I find the best memes here and pass the ammo to places like Instapundit
One of my favs
A question asked in the context of Q being a baseless conspiracy theory; I wouldn't ask that kind of question, either
The question is: "Who is Q?"
And they won't ask it
Twtter? Last bastion of freedom on de interwebz? Now we all know you're clearly a shill
Poor Mr. Hilter