No storm. Just q pissing on you and telling you itโs raining.
Just another larp to make you think something is being done.
KC a beyond minor basement dweller. Hillary walks free as does Come, Brennan, McCabe, Strzock.
All you q-tard fuck wits love to ascribe motives and race to people for which you have no fucking clue. It will be funny when you need to deny q to save your sanity.
>No he didn't, he dodged the question.
>Your fake narratives don't work here
So for years you ballless Wonders begged anyone to ask the question, then someone ask and Trump blows him off.
So absolutely fucking stupid. You have antifa logic in your diseased brain.
Sure you didnโt snowflake. You lie like a democrats whiles q spews more bullshit than cnn
Oh bullshit. You inbreds have been begging for Trump to explain q. You did that because q-hoax told you too. Now you got nothing.
PS, your mom called, time for you to go back to her basement and lick her balls.
Not yours.