Anonymous ID: 8f19ff Aug. 14, 2020, 12:37 p.m. No.10287714   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>10287582 l/b


You cant tell people the truth. You must show them. People dying because of suppression of cures. People complain about Q 'letting people suffer' when cures are known. But some have to be shown to see it for themselves, or they wouldnt believe it.


People that used to not believe me now do, people I never thought would. Now that people see what is happening, they are waking up big time.

Anonymous ID: 8f19ff Aug. 14, 2020, 1:07 p.m. No.10288066   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8088

The Federal Swamp Goes After Trump Administration’s DHS Appointees, Declares Wolf and Cuccinelli ‘Invalid’

Published 1 hour ago on Aug 14, 2020


White House

The Federal Swamp Goes After Trump Administration’s DHS Appointees, Declares Wolf and Cuccinelli ‘Invalid’


The formerly nonpartisan GAO has lost its way.


Published 1 hour ago


on Aug 14, 2020


By Shane Trejo

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The Government Accountability Office (GAO), which claims to be nonpartisan, is attacking Acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf and Acting Deputy Secretary Ken Cuccinelli, declaring that they are “ineligible” to serve in the Trump administration.




The GAO claims that an improper succession took place after Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen resigned in April 2019. Kevin McAleenan took over for Nielsen and he supposedly changed the succession for other officials to succeed him after he left the position.


“When Secretary Nielsen issued the April Delegation, she only amended Annex A, placing the Commissioner of U.S. Customs and Border Protection as the next position in the order of succession in cases of the Secretary’s unavailability to act during a disaster or catastrophic emergency,” the GAO found.


“Because the incorrect official assumed the title of Acting Secretary at that time, subsequent amendments to the order of succession made by that official were invalid and officials who assumed their positions under such amendments, including Chad Wolf and Kenneth Cuccinelli, were named by reference to an invalid order of succession,” GAO’s general counsel Thomas Armstrong concluded.


The GAO is urging the inspector general of the Department of Homeland Security to take action based on their recommendations. They even hint that decisions made by Wolf and Cuccinelli to defend the nation from domestic and foreign threats could be overturned. A DHS spokesman has dismissed the GAO’s complaint…


…The GAO, with their Democrat-prompted nitpicking of the Trump administration, has demonstrated themselves to be another tentacle of the deep state working to undermine the MAGA revival.

Anonymous ID: 8f19ff Aug. 14, 2020, 1:14 p.m. No.10288133   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8149 >>8184

President of World Academy of Biomedical Sciences Says COVID-19 is Bioweapon Created in Wuhan Lab

Published 2 hours ago on Aug 14, 2020


Professor Giuseppe Tritto, an international expert in biotechnology and nanotechnology who serves as president of the World Academy of Biomedical Sciences and Technologies (WABT), believes that COVID-19 was created in a laboratory as a bioweapon.


Prof. Tritto wrote in his new book, COVID 19: La Chimera che ha cambiato il Mondo (China COVID 19: The chimera that changed the world), that it is obvious COVID-19 was genetically engineered in the infamous Wuhan Institute of Virology’s P4 laboratory with help from France and the U.S. through the use of “reverse genetics.”


He also noted that program director Dr. Shi Zhengli was encouraged by the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) to create bioweapons. Prof. Tritto also explained how Dr. Anthony Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID) subsidized the deadly research with grant money.


Big League Wellness

President of World Academy of Biomedical Sciences Says COVID-19 is Bioweapon Created in Wuhan Lab


This expert is speaking out.


Published 2 hours ago


on Aug 14, 2020


By Shane Trejo

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RIOTS: Who do you blame for the violence on America's streets?


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Professor Giuseppe Tritto, an international expert in biotechnology and nanotechnology who serves as president of the World Academy of Biomedical Sciences and Technologies (WABT), believes that COVID-19 was created in a laboratory as a bioweapon.


Prof. Tritto wrote in his new book, COVID 19: La Chimera che ha cambiato il Mondo (China COVID 19: The chimera that changed the world), that it is obvious COVID-19 was genetically engineered in the infamous Wuhan Institute of Virology’s P4 laboratory with help from France and the U.S. through the use of “reverse genetics.”


He also noted that program director Dr. Shi Zhengli was encouraged by the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) to create bioweapons. Prof. Tritto also explained how Dr. Anthony Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID) subsidized the deadly research with grant money.


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“Providing the matrix virus would have meant admitting that COVID-19 was created in the laboratory. In fact, the incomplete genome made available by China lacks some inserts of AIDS amino acids, which itself is a smoking gun,” Prof. Tritto wrote in his book.


He also noted that COVID-19 is rapidly mutating and finding a workable vaccine to stop the spread of the engineered virus will be difficult as a result.


“Given the many mutations of COVID-19, it is extremely unlikely that a single vaccine that blocks the virus will be found. At the moment 11 different strains have been identified: the A2a genetic line which developed in Europe and the B1 genetic line which took root in North America are more contagious than the 0 strain originating in Wuhan,” Prof. Tritto wrote.


“I therefore believe that, at the most, a multivalent vaccine can be found effective on 4-5 strains and thus able to cover 70-75% of the world’s population,” he added.


What makes Prof. Tritto’s allegations carry so much weight is his leadership role at the WABT, a globalist scientific body that works with the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO).


However, other high-profile individuals have made a similar assessment as Prof. Tritto regarding the origins of COVID-19, as Big League Politics has reported:


The medical establishment, such as the World Health Organization and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, does not want this crucial information to be widely understood by the public.