Dang, I waz right. Shout out to grammar kitty…love
People fell asleep long ago.
We chose to sleep (amnesia) long ago
People gave up control.
We chose to give up control for the experience
People have been compartmentalized [divided].
People chose to be divided, compartmentalized
Divided you are weak.
We chose to be weakened
Divided you are taught to fight each other.
We could only fight if divided
Race v race
Religion v religion
Class v class
Gender v gender
To experience the limits of love and fear OF EACH
Unity is what gives people strength.
People unite to gain strength
People divided are weakened
Strength from unity is an illusion on earth
Unity is what gives people power [collectively].
People unite to gain power
People divided have no collective power
Power from Unity is an illusion on earth
Power over government
Governments have power
People submit to government
Power over government is an illusion
Power over [manifestin OUR fear]