the evidence we have gathered from Strzok hearing + Ohr testimony + Yates hearing + KC breaking intel + others is BEYOND what is needed to push further with #InvestigateTheInvestigators…
we have enough reason to believe Comey + McCabe + Brennan + Clapper not only KNEW about the mishandling of the FISA, crossfire hurricane, etc… they tried COVERING UP their own sin, in what now looks like a grand scheme against Donald Trump.
They could call Comey in next week if they wanted to…
but timing is everything.
we're dragging them, and RIGHT when it's time to vote…
like 4 movies playing at once…
it'll all habben at once..
it'll all come together and make sense…
all at once.
i know it sounds crazy fren…
but we live in a clownworld rn.