Oldfag polfags here?
Three Branches will become one:
Republicans take all three branches of government
An island will drift away:
Killing bolt will shine in the night but will not kill
the Whitbey island assasination attempt on POTUS
Star will gorge itself on clay:
expansion of israel
Idols will speak and move about:
celebrities and their B.s.
The black flag will fly above the dome:
Isis on the Temple mount TBD
The belly of the dragon will drip water:
China's floods
Two voices will call out in a silence that all will hear:
George Floyd and Cannon Hinnant, both silent (dead) but the world is watching the difference in how the two are being treated so differently
A rock will stand on seven hills:
Seven Hills is an allegory for Rome. new pope. TBD
Ravens will Starve:
British Royalty taking deep hits (in process) and eventually ending
The bear will leave its cave forever:
Russia is no longer propagandized into being the bogeyman and will join the world stage. "Learn Russian", we're going to be doing a lot of trade with them.
Rod and Ring will Strike:
Ancient symbol of Justice. This is where Hillary gets it.